
  • Sergiu SAVA PhD candidate and researcher at the “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania).

Cuvinte cheie:

Art, Excess, Metaphysics, Nihilism, Nietzsche, Heidegger


The question of my study concerns the viability of Nietzsche’s theory of art as it is configured in his last writings. In order to come to an answer to this question regarding Nietzsche’s work I will follow two steps: 1. the assurance of an adequate point of view with regard to his conception of art by designating it as “tendentious theory of art” and extracting the consequences of this description; 2. the adumbration of a hermeneutical horizon where Nietzsche’s theory of art can receive a chance at viability by reevaluating the ludic and the excessive coordinate of art.

Biografie autor

Sergiu SAVA, PhD candidate and researcher at the “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania).

Research interests: phenomenology, metaphysics, hermeneutics.


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