
  • Codrina-Laura IONITA PhD Lecturer, “George Enescu” University of Arts, Iasi.


subject, otherness, phenomenology, art, relation


The importance granted to this topic beginning with the modern period, in philosophy as well as in art, seems undisputable. Nevertheless, with the phenomenology of the 20th century, the concepts of relation and otherness progressively question the authority of the Self. From the immanent transcendence or transcendence as a fundamental state of the Dasein, to the adonat as tributary to a given phenomenon, the subject progressively loses its active role, in favor of otherness. From the perspective of art, the shifting of the focus from subjectivity to otherness is achieved, on the one hand, via the importance granted to the object, and on the other hand, via perceiving the artist as a receiver, and not as a creator. According to the phenomenological interpretation, art is not the product of the artist, but a revelation, a coming into the material of something that is already present without being noticeable, a relation, an event or a saturated phenomenon which occurs, which offers itself to the subject without giving the latter the possibility of interfering.

Author Biography

Codrina-Laura IONITA, PhD Lecturer, “George Enescu” University of Arts, Iasi.

Author of the book:      Invizibilul în arta abstracta a secolului XX.


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