
  • Elena Simona VRÂNCEANU Assistant Doctorant, Relations Internationales et Études Européennes, Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences Sociales et Politiques, Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza de Iasi, Tél : 0232 / 201102

Cuvinte cheie:

migration, children, family, juvenile delinquency, intergeneration solidarity


During the communist regime, people travelling outside the borders of Romania were a rare phenomenon, as both emigration and immigration were processes that were strictly controlled by the political power, which closely supervised and influenced them. When Ceausescu´s regime ended, the country borders opened and free circulation, which was supported by the new democratic Constitution (Art. 25), caused increased population mobility. Immigration from Romania has been one of the main migrations from the eastern to the western countries of the European continent. Massive migration from Romania throughout the post-communist era has had considerable consequences on the institution of family, the most important of which was role inversion due to the high number of women who decided to work abroad. Whereas women were traditionally in charge of raising and educating their children, of all the household works, without necessarily having the obligation of providing financial support, once this gender segment started its massive migration for pecuniary reasons, in most of the cases, men took over their women´s tasks related to family life. The purpose of our work is to analyze the motivation and consequences of post-communist Romanian migration on the institution of family and to identify ways of diminishing the negative effects of this phenomenon on minors.


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