
  • Ion IONESCU Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Bd. Carol I, no.11, 700 506, Iasi, Romania

Cuvinte cheie:

third age, fourth age, active aging, intergenerational solidarity, intergenerational urbanism


There is a significant increase in the number of people over 65 years in the European population. The effects are felt throughout Europe, but some countries are more affected than others. The clichés about the growth rates of the third and fourth age groups refer to a variety of representations and an unvoiced anxiety. The models applied in the last fifty years should be adapted to meet the present and the future situation. The European Union has decided that 2012 will be the European year of active ageing and solidarity between generations in order to review our way of living with the others. It is important to identify all those involved and their strategies. The article focuses mainly on projects, objectives and activities to improve the opportunities sp that elders live a peaceful and balanced life at their workplace, on the labor market, as active citizens and volunteers in their country. The author identifies activities of the Red Cross such as prevention of addiction, facilitating the access to social networks, increasing the solidarity in proximity activities, the role of intergenerational family solidarity initiatives, increasing intergenerational housing concerns, intergenerational urban system, public transportation adapted to seniors needs, effective management of active aging in full health. It is crucial to change our habits in a society that is for all of us. The year 2012 will be an opportunity to reflect on innovative approaches in the field.


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