
  • MARIA MARINELA MIHAILA PhD, MIHAILA, Scholar, Romanian Academy, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi

Cuvinte cheie:

Social protection, social policies, legislative reform, social services targeted at children, parents under custody, sentence planning, post-penal assistance.


This study aims at analysing the social and legal system for family and child protection in Romania, starting from its adherence to international standards and principles to the actual protective measures set out in the domestic legislation. The purpose of this analysis is to establish the social and legal framework for conducting empirical research, i.e. mapping the social services available in four counties from the Moldavia region: Bacau, Iasi, Suceava and Vaslui, with a view to defining the target group of children who are in a position of having one or both parents in prison. This purpose falls within the scope of the programme entitled ‘Children of Prisoners, Interventions & Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health’ (COPING), which aims at identifying social-affective health issues in these children, providing an assessment of their mental health. In this context, the present study outlines the Romanian social and legal framework both in terms of social protection and the promotion of children’s rights, and in terms of the sentence planning process and post-penal assistance. The analysis concludes that, from a prospective point of view, Romania offers the social and legal premises for the organisation and operation of specialised psychosocial servicies targeted at children whose parents serve custodial sentences.


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Codul civil roman [Romanian Civil Code]

Codul familiei [Family Code]

Codul penal roman [Romanian Criminal Code]

Constitutia Romaniei [Constitution of Romania]

Conventia Internationala cu privire la Drepturile Omului [The International Convention on Human Rights]

Conventia Europeana cu privire la Drepturile Omului (CEDO) [The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)]

Conventia UNICEF cu privire la drepturile copilului [UNICEF Convention of the Rights of the Child]

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Legea nr. 272 din 21 iunie 2004 privind protectia si promovarea drepturilor copilului. [Law no. 272 of June 21, 2004 on the protection and promotion of child rights]

Legea privind regimul juridic al adoptiei (2004). [Law on the legal status of adoption (2004)]