
  • Ioan MITREA PhD student, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 54 Lascãr Catargiu street, 700107, Iasi, Romania; phone: +40 756 021 721

Cuvinte cheie:

organization, closed professional community, career, motivation, military officer


This article is part of a primary research aimed to identify the characteristics and differences in the motivational system of military organization employees of Romanian and U.S. army. The study was conducted by applying the questionnaire, with mixed questions, self provided to Romanian and American army officers, on a sample of 104 respondents, of which 74 are Romanian soldiers and 30 American soldiers. The method used is a nonprobability sampling, based on a pre-defined purpose. The research results can not be extended to the whole army. We can see that for both armies, the six social factors, namely: family, personal safety, career, national identifying elements, friends and colleagues, are the primary motivation for Romanian and American troops, the only difference being given by the importance of each category separately. From the perspective of Romanian officers and NCOs, the family and personal safety are very important for both staff with certain features. Romanian Army takes and adapts best practice examples of American and European military, organizational practices such as those of the military system. Continuous adaptation of the military organization to the civil society shows concern for the external operating environment and ensuring the ability of a military unit.


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