
  • Liliana DANCIU West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences, 4 Bd V Parvan, 300223 Timisoara, Romania
  • Patricia Luciana RUNCAN West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Department of Social Welfare, 4 Bd V Parvan, 300223 Timisoara, Romania

Cuvinte cheie:

multicultural community, unity in diversity, cross-generation solidarity, community cohesion, tolerance, social welfare


Sometimes there is nothing more important than local patriotism that makes you feel nothing compares to your city – not because you belong to the city but because it makes every inch on your body feel you belong to it no matter what. However, both time and people can change the history of a community where peace and understanding have become throughout the ages a brand difficult or impossible to create. The conceptual and evolutionary changes of the ethnic, cultural and confessional mixture brought by history, the cultural interferences achieved, human behaviour and emotions caused by all these factors in the name of unity in diversity and many other aspects have been subject to a 18-month research study carried out by a team of sociologists, psychologists, specialists in education, people interested in culture and art, politicians, historians, and anthropologists. This article deals with the research implementation strategy, the identified aspects and their value for the community in Timisoara, as well as the means used to leverage the results of the research in order to properly diagnose the current multicultural phenomenon within the “Little Vienna”.


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