
  • Daniela ȘOITU
  • Nicoleta MORON



The new University Alliances, as European flagship projects, promotes joint educational programs, structures, practices, and campuses. In this context, an very unique and innovative joint master program has been proposed by seven universities, under the title of „Lifelong Well-being and Healthy Ageing”. Despite the long-lasting cooperation of the seven universities involved in the alliance, new and multiple challenges have to be overcome when comes to frame a joint academic offer at master level. Data have been collected by documentation, over 500 hours of group work and stakeholders’ consultation. The paper underlines the main challenges, but also identified solutions for most of these limits and barriers. The results may be used as a starting point for other studies, for other initiative, for national and European policies.

Biografii autori

Daniela ȘOITU

Professor PhD, Department of Sociology  and  Social  Work,  Faculty  of  Philosophy  and Social-Political Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania

Nicoleta MORON

Assistant Professor PhD., Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of  Philosophy  and Social-Political Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania


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