
  • Marcel NEDELCU



All aspects of our life are ruled by the concept of „fast society” - from fast food to „fast (on-line) relationships” and, in turn, to „fast therapy”. Clients and counsellors alike are in a rush to find a quick way to solve the problem.  This approach to „panic attack” problems could sometimes lead to a dead end.  What is more, this dynamic of the therapeutic process could increase the client’s confusion and let the sensation of fear unexplained.  The following paper puts forward three case studies, where the „not-knowing” position of the therapists unlocks the situation, helping the clients become aware of the elements from context that are connected to their fear.  The meanings behind the attacks are revealed in the conversational field when the therapist stops their search for explanations and becomes patient enough to be curios and invite the client to explore detailed stories of their daily life.

Biografie autor


Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Family and Couple Institute, Iasi Romania


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