
  • Cornelia MĂIREAN
  • Mirabela - Olivia PUNEI
  • Daniela ȘOITU
  • Ruediger TRIMPOP



The present study aims to investigate the psychometric properties of a scale designed to measure different dimensions of healthy campus among Romanian students. The scale was translated from German language, using the backward translation design. In its original version, the development of the questionnaires for students was carried out with regard to the following dimensions considered relevant for a healthy campus: work/ study conditions (organization, tasks, work/ study environment, social relations, health and safety culture), health (physical and psychological health status, health attitudes, health knowledge, health behavior, nutrition, movement), offers of the university (familiarity, availability, usage, satisfaction, requests), other personal factors (mobility, satisfaction, coping strategies, commitment, self-efficacy, work-life-balance), changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. After a judgmental review of the adapted test and the revision of the adaptation, we selected a sample of 470 students, that filled in the scale including items that cover the above mentioned dimensions and demographic information. It took about 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The participants signed an informed consent and the anonymity and confidentiality of the answers were assured. An exploratory factorial analysis and analysis of reliability were conducted based on the collected data. Further, gender differences and correlations between factors were explored. The results sustain the structure of the scale with six factors. Practical implications of the results are discussed.

Biografii autori

Cornelia MĂIREAN

Assoc. prof. dr., Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, T. Cozma str., no. 3, Iaşi

Mirabela - Olivia PUNEI

Student, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, T. Cozam str no. 3, Iaşi

Daniela ȘOITU

Prof. dr. Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences,  Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Carol I bdv. No. 11, 700506

Ruediger TRIMPOP

Prof. dr. Lehrstuhl Arbeits-,Betriebs-Organisationspsychologie, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Humboldtstr. 27, 07743 Jena, Germany; 


Master student, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Humboldtstr. 27, 07743 Jena, Germany


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