
  • Aniela MATEI
  • Mihaela GHENȚA
  • Luise-Mladen MACOVEI
  • Elen-Silvana BOBÂRNAT



In families that have at least one parent working outside the country’s borders, known as transnational families, emotional support provided to children is affected after the migration. The phenomenon of school dropout among children whose parents are working abroad is increasing in families affected by poverty, even after the parents’ departure. The literature also emphasizes that the school drop-out is connected more to the lack of surveillance and parents’ authority. The aim of this paper is to explore the consequences on school participation and child development in Romanian transnational families. A quantitative research methodology was employed in this regard. The survey-based research had as a target group parents/grandparents from families who have children up to 17 years from Romanian transnational families. The total sample size was 804 parents/grandparents. The survey was carried out in two developing regions of Romania most affected by poverty and temporary/permanent migration. Our results indicate that the lack of financial support creates the risk of school absenteeism. The dysfunctionality of the family's educational function also has consequences on the child's development and school participation. Findings provide new insights regarding consequences on school participation and child development in Romanian transnational families.

Biografii autori

Aniela MATEI

PhD, Researcher Second Degree, Head of Social Policies Department, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection -INCSMPS, 6-8 Povernei Street, Bucharest, Romania, +400213124069

Mihaela GHENȚA

PhD, Researcher First Degree, Social Policies Department, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection -INCSMPS, 6-8 Povernei Street, Bucharest, Romania

Luise-Mladen MACOVEI

PhD, Researcher Second Degree, Social Policies Department, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection -INCSMPS, 6-8 Povernei Street, Bucharest, Romania

Elen-Silvana BOBÂRNAT

Researcher, Social Policies Department, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection -INCSMPS, 6-8 Povernei Street, Bucharest, Romania


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