
  • Adrian NETEDU Academia Românã, Bursier POSDRU/89/1.5/S/56815 Societatea Bazatã pe Cunoastere - cercetãri, dezbateri, perspective

Cuvinte cheie:

labor market insertion, studies evaluations, employability, research on higher education


The insertion of young people into the labor market is a constant concern of all the authorities of the member states of the European Union. A point of interest is that of the insertion on labor market of young graduates considering that the current “knowledge society” requires a increasing specialization. Labor market integration for these young people is not a simple issue due to the increased complexity of the labor market or gaps between labor market and educational system. Today's young people need to be aware of the new changes taking place in a time of economic crisis and of the requirements of an increased flexibility. Today, transversal competences, becomes increasingly important and of course the skills that help young people to work very often in related fields or in fields completely new. Sociological research is designed to encourage evaluations that graduates may have regarding to their own intellectual training or labor market integration.


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Internet sources: (text “Topul celor mai mari 12 centre universitare din Romania”

published 26.06.2011, site accesed to 20.02.2013),

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