
  • Ion I. IONESCU Profesor Ph. D., Department of Sociology and Social Work, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania;

Cuvinte cheie:

Migration, constructivist sociology, theories of migration, the effects of migration, migration policies


Migration is a total social phenomenon and the objective of this article is to describe, explain and make it intelligible. The author presents a few traditions that have a certain influence on immigration and integration policies, the main ideas of migration theories. Migration is often explained as a type of linear causality. The author suggests a constructivist approach, while focusing on the causes, factors, responsibility of all involved and on the options and consequences of their acts. When the author presents the effects of migration on migrants and their families, the community and country of origin, the population and host communities, he emphasizes both positive and negative effects. The text also examines the current policies on migration in Italy and Spain (where we find most Romanian migrants) and Romania where we deal with massive emigration after the fall of communism, while immigration is a new phenomenon. Is the current crisis – a crossroads – a new opportunity for the future? The author presents a few options (remaining for good in the community of destination, return to the community of origin, circular and temporary migration, those who didn’t migrate should remain where they are and live in dignity etc..) and what is to be done in each case.


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