
  • DUMITRU STAN Professor, habil PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania



suiciding, right to property over one’s own body, suicidal risk, socio-cultural normality, normal fact, pathological fact.


This article has been focussed on presentation of an older sociological issue – committing suicide /killing oneself – within new interpretative contexts specific to current Romanian society. The argumentation is therefore developed towards attracting three sustainable conclusions: a. right to property over one’s own body should not metamorphose into individual’s right to kill himself; b) no matter how many logical arguments we might have for committing suicide as a normal fact, it will naturally remain a pathological social fact; c. social actions against suiciding cannot otherwise be but ante factum. Consequently, social actors should be informed and get awareness on suicidal risk factors within the environment they are living in. This last aspect shall occupy the most part of the pages of this article. The conclusion of the whole approach is that no matter how many justifications, excuses and mitigating circumstances we may find, the suicidal act cannot be otherwise but traumatising and condemnable to society.


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