
  • Andreea-Mădălina Toader


Cuvinte cheie:

digitalisation, technologies, innovations, organisations, human resources department


The new digital trends are triggering the interest in the evolution of the future of work. The use of digitalisation in various sectors of activity has become an essential element in the success of organisations. An important role within organisations is played by the human resources department, seen as a business partner. It has the task of using the tools appropriate to the transformations existing on the labour market and meet the challenges posed by the new generations, but also globalisation. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to identify how human resources specialists relate to digital technologies and what are the advantages of using it. The research involved 40 subjects working in the field, in companies in the counties of Iasi, Suceava, Bucharest and Cluj. We found that the digitalisation of the human resources department means for the chosen sample, the increase of work efficiency and the implementation of technical measures to allow the proper functioning of technologies. The research method used in this paper was the sociological survey. The tool used was the online questionnaire, the data collection period being May - June 2020.

Biografie autor

Andreea-Mădălina Toader

Human Resources Specialist, MA student at Sociology of Organizations and Human Resources, Sociology and Social Work Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cu za” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania, 075573711


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