
  • Geta Mitrea



Cuvinte cheie:

security studies, social work, professional career, globalization, international organizations


This paper analyzes the two specializations, „social security (named social work)” and „security studies” that are offered by the universities from Romania for future specialists in these domains. In the actual global context it has been proven the fact that the specialists from the two specializations work very closely to achieve common goals. At a first site, „social security (named social work)” and „security studies” seem completely different, even a little bit in antithesis. But actually, if we take a close look we can easily observe both have a lot of elements in common; the essential one is the human being (the person). Another element, regards the fact that both of them are related to the „security” issue. One is focused at the personal level of human, social security (social work) – the base of the whole society and the second referring to the entire entity of security, local, regional, national, european, transatlantic and global level; this one, also composed by people. And third element, but not the last, is the fact nowadays specialists from different domains have to work in interdisciplinary teams to solve common problems in different parts of the world. Also, in this daily change new specialists in different fields of study need to be prepared in order to answer the unexpected needs that appear in our global world.

Biografie autor

Geta Mitrea

PhD Lecturer, Department of Multinational Operations, Strategic and Security Studies - Faculty of Security and Defence, „Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest


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