
  • Alexandra Teodora Lăcătuș-Iakab PhD Student, Doctoral School of Sociology Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
  • Bela Olimpiu Lăcătuș-Iakab


Cuvinte cheie:

social assistance, vulnerable groups, pandemic, day centers, school dropout


This article provides an overview of various important aspects of the work of the social workers in day care centers during the coronavirus pandemic. It explores how the activity of social workers is being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the impact of the use of online platforms for communication on the relationship of assistance. Interviews were conducted with 10 social workers working at 5 day care centers in Cluj-Napoca to explore the challenges they faced in order to prevent school dropout, in pandemic context. It were exemplified the ways in which the responsibilities of social workers are adapted to the context and measures imposed in the pandemic context. A low motivation for learning from students was emphasized as well as socioeconomic difficulties at the family level and the importance of face-to-face communication with beneficiaries was also stressed.

Biografie autor

Bela Olimpiu Lăcătuș-Iakab

PhD Student, Doctoral School of Sociology Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,


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