
  • Mariana BĂLAN
  • Simona Maria STĂNESCU


Cuvinte cheie:

migration, environmental changes, climate change, policies, resilience


The movement of people due to environment changes is not a new phenomenon. Despite this, only in the most recent 20 years, the international community has begun to acknowledge it as an unprecedented challenge in terms of sustainable resources involved. All over the world, the number of storms, droughts and floods has tripled in the last 30 years, with devastating effects on communities. The paper presents a brief analysis of global climate change in recent years and human mobility due to this phenomenon. The research is based on international regulations addressing the interdependencies between environmental change and migration. The climate risk management with impact on human mobility involves economic, political, cultural, and demographic factors. It also shows how a devastating natural disaster shapes people's mobility towards a more friendly environment protected shelter. The development of resilience community strategies implies a joint effort of communities and stakeholders in protecting human beings against effects of natural disasters.

Biografii autori

Mariana BĂLAN

Professor, Ph.D., Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy

Simona Maria STĂNESCU

Researcher, Ph.D., Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy


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