
  • Norberth-Ioan OKROS

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The present paper is a summary of some studies in the Romanian space on the influence of social factors on the individual who is in a restrictive environment, such as the penitentiary or in various reeducation centers. The structure of the paper consists


The present paper is a summary of some studies in the Romanian space on the influence of social factors on the individual who is in a restrictive environment, such as the penitentiary or in various reeducation centers. The structure of the paper consists of three sections, namely: the social characteristics of juvenile delinquency, the social factors in the penitentiary environment, and the third refers to the social factors involved in the relapse. The three sections best define the title of this article: "You! Yesterday, today and tomorrow". The aim is to highlight the main social factors that lie in the three timeframes to provide a better insight into social reintegration strategies and awareness of the need for active involvement of the various institutions as well as the community.


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