
  • Cristina ILIE GOGA

Cuvinte cheie:

peer-mentoring, rehabilitation, criminal justice, Romania, penitentiary system, sociological inquiry.


The peer mentoring system is used in many areas, especially in vocational training, politics, in the labor market, in the educational and medical systems, but in recent years it has begun to be used in the field of criminal justice, both in the penitentiary system and in probation. Most definitions of mentoring include elements such as ”education, counseling and support for the mentee”. The peer mentoring program in the criminal justice field, aims the coordination and training of an inmate by a rehabilitated ex-offender or by other inmate, in order to support him in choosing the appropriate options at the time of the release. Such a system has been used in several states. The article analyzes in the first part the concept of peer mentoring in the field of criminal justice, presents the models of good practice used worldwide and finally, presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in the ”Penitentiary of Maximum Security” in Craiova, in which the opinions of persons deprived of liberty are presented, regarding the opportunity of applying such a program in the Romanian penitentiary system.

Biografie autor

Cristina ILIE GOGA

PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova,


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Tolan, P., Henry, D., Schoeny, M. and Bass, A. (2008) Mentoring interventions to affect juvenile delinquency and associated problems. The Campbell Collaboration, Oslo.

Udangiu, E. (2017) Partnership and trust building. Sociology and Social Work Review. (1), 35-41.

U.S. Department of Labor (2005) Employment Information Handbook For Ex-Offenders, Available at: [07.09.2019].

Willoughby, M., Parker, A. and Ali, R. (2013) Mentoring for Offenders: Mapping 21. Oxford Advanced American Dictionary (2019) Word ”mentor”. Available at : [01.09.2019].

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (2019) ”Mentor” word origin. Available at: [02.09.2019].

Pricină, G. and Ilie, G. (2014) The capacity of young offenders to design their life strategies. Journal of Community Positive Practices, 14 (2), 61-70.

Rogers, C.R. (2004) A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy: On Becoming a Person. Constable & Robinson London.

Sandu, M. (2017) Reacția socială împotriva criminalității. Supravegherea și asistența postpenală. Pro Universitaria, Bucharest.

South, J., Bagnall, A. and Woodall, J. (2017) Developing a typology for peer education and peer support delivered by prisoners. Journal of Correctional Health Care. 23(2), 214–229.

Tolan, P., Henry, D., Schoeny, M. and Bass, A. (2008) Mentoring interventions to affect juvenile delinquency and associated problems. The Campbell Collaboration, Oslo.

Udangiu, E. (2017) Partnership and trust building. Sociology and Social Work Review. (1), 35-41.

U.S. Department of Labor (2005) Employment Information Handbook For Ex-Offenders, Available at: [07.09.2019].

Willoughby, M., Parker, A. and Ali, R. (2013) Mentoring for Offenders: 21. Oxford Advanced American Dictionary (2019) Word ”mentor”. Available at : [01.09.2019].

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (2019) ”Mentor” word origin. Available at: [02.09.2019].

Pricină, G. and Ilie, G. (2014) The capacity of young offenders to design their life strategies. Journal of Community Positive Practices, 14 (2), 61-70.

Rogers, C.R. (2004) A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy: On Becoming a Person. Constable & Robinson London.

Sandu, M. (2017) Reacția socială împotriva criminalității. Supravegherea și asistența postpenală. Pro Universitaria, Bucharest.

South, J., Bagnall, A. and Woodall, J. (2017) Developing a typology for peer education and peer support delivered by prisoners. Journal of Correctional Health Care. 23(2), 214–229.

Tolan, P., Henry, D., Schoeny, M. and Bass, A. (2008) Mentoring interventions to affect juvenile delinquency and associated problems. The Campbell Collaboration, Oslo.

Udangiu, E. (2017) Partnership and trust building. Sociology and Social Work Review. (1), 35-41.

U.S. Department of Labor (2005) Employment Information Handbook For Ex-Offenders, Available at: [07.09.2019].

Willoughby, M., Parker, A. and Ali, R. (2013) Mentoring for Offenders: Mapping Services for Adult Offenders in England

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