Cuvinte cheie:
Adolescent fatherhood, Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction, democratic ideal, illusory insurance, sociocultural values, financial autonomyRezumat
How young peoples’ stake environment shapes the experimentation of adolescent fatherhood so as to generate multiform mutations? Such is the main question at the origin of this text. From the analysis of construction phenomenon realities, deconstruction of illusions relating thereto and of reconstruction of a new father true-life in Côte d'Ivoire, it appears that the concern of integration and responsibility remains at the center of adolescent fatherhood experimentation. The construction of the phenomenon is articulated around the democratic ideal promoted by the mass media and school. It carries illusory insurance manifested by disordered sexual life and leading to the paternity at so young ages (between 14 and 19 years). Concerning the deconstruction of illusions, it presents itself as the manifestation of community awareness through the use of socio-cultural values to generate the parental responsibility of young people incriminated. This leads them to start a reconstruction of their true-life around the search of financial autonomy from activities which are generally the opposite of their original career plan.Referințe
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