
  • Alexandra GALBIN Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Master Supervision and Social Planning

Cuvinte cheie:

supervision, modelling, NLP, personal developement


In this report I considered necessary presenting the modelling technique in NLP to emphasize the role of the mentors in subalterns' developing activities and in improving the skills of social workers. The success of a system depends largely on employee's ability of sharing his qualities to others. Using NLP in supervision may support increasing the capacity of learning, the continuous developement of the new ways of thinking, regardless of changes in the outside world, giving up on old and traditional habits or patterns, which restrict the developement of the professionals. Using NLP helps supervisors to define their own formulas for responding to the new high technology world to bulid quality relationships with people, be it a meeting with the others professionals or with the beneficiaries. Also, NLP allows the developement of flexibility, offering more choices and more control in different situations. Overall, the meaning of NLP is to generate future learning.


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