
  • Gabriela IRIMESCU PhD Associated Professor Department of Sociology and Social Work „Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi,

Cuvinte cheie:

maturity crisis, situational crises, family life cycle, systemic approach


The family crosses over its development different situations, of which only some are perceived by family members as crisis situations. These challenges, that family is unable to overpass are given either by new, unknown, unforeseeable events on which the family has no control, the known events, but with great intensity and their mechanisms are affecting the family to face them or by events caused by the normal transition in the life cycle of family.How family crises are managed, with the focus beginning either on stimulus crisis, triggers or on the family interaction with the social support, or on the development of the crisis as a process, leads to different intervention models, individually or systemically. This paper analyzes the crises of family from a systemic perspective, in taking account of the system elements and of the interrelation between them, and it suggests ways of intervention in the same systemic spirit.


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