
  • Ion I. IONESCU PhD Professor Department of Sociology and Social Work „Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi,

Cuvinte cheie:

Non-calls, non-application, social intervention, difficulties, social workers, the practice of social work.


The selective access to rights and non-calls have a long history (the roots of modern society, charity was the mode of social intervention, poverty affecting much of the population, the satisfaction of all is inconceivable). Each person may fall at least taking a dimension of social intervention ... but proper access is known to be determined by objective criteria. In this situation, there are people who are experiencing financial difficulties, psychological, family and physical. But not addressed to social workers. The non-application has multiple causes (people themselves, the practice of social work, the degree of extension of social intervention, the normative framework and rules for its implementation), there are types of non-applications that must identify the design of appropriate methodology, but also good practice. The major challenge for the welfare home is to identify principles for action to build a specific strategy with regard to non-applicants.


L’accès aux droits sociaux en Europe, Edition du Conseil de l’Europe, Bruxelles, octobre 2002

Cossery, A. (1999) – Mendiants et orgueilleux, Edition Joëlle LOSFELD

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L’échec de la protection de l’enfance, Paris, Dunod, 2004

Rigalleau, M. (2002) – Incitation au départ en vacances des nonpartants, La Documentation française, Paris

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Riscul social – cercul vicios al comunitatilor rurale, Terra Nostra, Iasi, 2005

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www.social.gouv.fr (présentation du Programme National d’Action pour l’Inclusion sociale, 2005)

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