
  • Cristina GAVRILUŢĂ Associate Professor Ph.D., "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi,
  • Maria Lorena TĂRUŞ Masters The Faculty of Phylosophy and Social-Political Sciences, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi

Cuvinte cheie:

social construction, deviant, standard, social control, social mentality, categorizing, justice.


In this study we propose to analyze the way the act of justice behaves a series of social engineering. Starting from the building social theory measure expressed by the P. Berger and Th.E. Luckmann and taking into account the research made by A. Cicourel in the 1960's,we believe that we can talk about a phenomenon of social construction in the field of justice. Research of two criminal papers, direct observations and the documentation made, have highlighted this fact. Moreover, our research led to the finding of two types of social construction of justice, one that is part of the normality logic (innocent social construction) and one which subscribes to abnormality (guilty social construction).


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