
  • Marie-Emmanuelle AMARA Université du Luxembourg
  • Michele BAUMANN Université du Luxembourg
  • Veronique PELT Université du Luxembourg
  • Jean-François GUILLAUME Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Ion IONESCU "Al.I.Cuza" University, Iasi

Cuvinte cheie:

competences, employability, students, quality of Life, Europe


The main aims of European universities today are to ensure that students have the skills and knowledge (the so called competences) they need, and to prepare them for sustainable employment. This mission, underpinned by reforms initiated under the umbrella of the Bologna process and the creation of the European Higher Education Area, is central to their activities. In this article, we try to illustrate the changing roles of universities, highlighting the importance of the concept of evolution of competences and reporting the first use of the scale <i>‘Students' QuAlity of Life and Employability Skill'</i> (SQALES) among students entering their first year of social sciences study at three universities, one each in Luxembourg, Belgium and Romania. This project shows that evaluation of competences is possible and can even be recommended as a guide to adjusting curricula and to implementing programmes of assistance tailored to identified student needs.


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