COMPORTEMENTS MATERNELS MORTIFERES<br />Etude de cas sur le rôle et les fonctions parentaux.


  • Laura PETRESCU PERLIER Doctorante en sociologie, Laboratoire Cultures et Sociétés en Europe, Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme d’Alsace (MISHA), Universite de Strasbourg - France

Cuvinte cheie:

parent functions, mortifying mother, self-destruction, love, idealization, discontinuity, breaking off, social work, protection.


Based on a clinical example this study case describes the pattern of destructive mothering. The paradox of a mortifying narcissistic mother and a loving, dutiful son focuses on the damage some mothers are willing to inflict on their children. In spite of that, images of mother as deficient still seem to be a denial of the imagos of the "angelic mother" and shock public opinion.Thoughtful consideration is given to the ways in which social care professionals can prevent, repair or remedy the unhappy effects of insecure early relationships.


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