
  • Geta NEPOTU Ph.Ds, Faculty of Philosophy and Social - Political Sciences "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi

Cuvinte cheie:

Structural Funds, economic and social cohesion, ethical dilemmas, projects


Accessing and preparing the conditions to increase the absorption level of Structural Funds represents an absolute priority in the present and following years. This study aims at tracing the evolution of the projects funded from Structural Funds in Romania, as well as identifying a series of dysfunctions in this context. First of all, we underline the fact that the absorption of European funds is not and should not be an aim in itself. Some Structural Funds are granted for infrastructure, some for the development of human resources, others for the elimination of the gap between regions, and finally, others for the development of a solid business environment. It is the responsibility of each country to correlate all these directions into a unitary strategy designed to accelerate its own modernisation process. Secondly, we attempt to identify a series of ethical dilemmas regarding the drafting, the selection and the implementation of projects.


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*acknowledgements: This work is supported by the project POSDRU/88/1.5/S/47646 "Doctoral Studies: portal to a career of excellence in research and knowledge society", coordinated by professor PhD Ovidiu Gabriel Iancu. The project is won in competition in September 2009 and is funded by the European Social Fund.

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