Cuvinte cheie:
social stratification, social class, social status, social mobilityRezumat
According to the social stratification systems, the words <i>social status, social class</i> and <i>social mobility, although</i> they have in common the position that an individual has in community and in society, as well, there are some significant differences. The social status referred to the differentiation of individual inequality through legal regulations, while in case of class <i>system</i> these regulations are not precisely defined. An individual may acquire a certain social class and this thing depends on the economical component of his life. This component influences the lifestyle of the people differentiated according to social classes, offering them a certain social status and also a certain social position. Social mobility has an organic nature because it can evolve according to individual aspirations and functions. It is closely related to personal responsibility for economical development and growth. Individuals will establish their further aspirations according to the background performances determining a defence mechanism to protect self-esteem. Thus, the lower the past performances, the lower the aspirations and self-esteem. Analyses show that poverty and its duration is proportional to individual aspirations.Referințe
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