
  • Adrian NETEDU Associate Professor at the University „Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi

Cuvinte cheie:

Subjective evaluation of health, Consumer practices, Preventive health care, And positive health practices


The interest in the sociology of health is relatively new in our country. With a few exceptions, the scientific publications in this area have been related to demography studies, medical sociology and medical ethics. The people’s health condition is an important indicator of the social and economic situation worldwide (Alexandrescu , Istrate, 2012). Unfortunately some diseases tend to appear at early ages, triggered by the modern lifestyle and new consumption practices. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the health condition in the course of a lifetime. For many Romanian university students, we do not expect the (auto) evaluation of health to be a current practice, considering the generally positive subjective appreciation of the health condition and the low rate of diseases and mortality. However, the young people’s lifestyle and consumer practices are very important indicators of their health condition. During our research we have applied a questionnaire to a representative sample of students from “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, with a primarily descriptive function, considering the exploratory nature of our study. We have tried to explain some specific differences according to gender, forms of studies and positive health practices among university students.

Biografie autor

Adrian NETEDU, Associate Professor at the University „Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi

Department of Sociology and Social Work, Bd. Carol no.11, code 700506, phone 00400742579591


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