
  • Florentina SCÂRNECI “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Bd. Eroilor, no. 29, 500036, Brasov, România

Cuvinte cheie:

qualitative research, grounded theory, managers’ identity, selfidentification


The article presents the process of grounding a theory on Romanian managers’ identity. It is about personal identity (or individual identity), about that identity given by the definitions of someone about him or herself, by self identification. There are presented the qualitative research stages: the specific methods and techniques of data collection that were used, data analysis methods and techniques that were applied and the process of grounding theory. The research subjects work in the private economic sector (and have leading positions). 20 of them work in Brasov County (I selected them by using theoretical sampling). The other 25 are managers and entrepreneurs recognized at national level. The last ones were interviewed by reporters of “Money Express” Review and on the documents resulted I applied a secondary analysis. It was grounded a theory about the identity characteristics of managers. These are referring at the life circumstances they lived in: childhood and adolescence circumstances – physical environment, relational environment, school environment, family environment, material circumstances; maturity circumstances – professional and relational circumstances. The grounded theory also refers to the selfidentification characteristics of managers: general traits, inter-relational characteristics, specific traits corresponding to the leading position, individual and collective identification; to the self-processes: self-image and self esteem.


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