EUROPEAN STANDARDS IN EDUCATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS. Experience of a project in the Republic of Moldova


  • Maria BULGARU Universitatea de Stat Chisinau, Republica Moldova

Cuvinte cheie:

european standards, education of social workers, Republic of Moldova


The author mentions that the modernization of the educational (didactic) process according to Bologna Process recommendations, that determined the necessity of making an essential reform of the university curricula at the contents and structure level, is encouraged at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of Moldova State University by a new project TEMPUS (ETF - JP - 00471 - 2008) „The Professionalization of the Education in Social Work”. This project is implemented in collaboration with Gip Fipag - Public Interest Group - Training and Vocational Integration of the Academy of Grenoble (France), the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi (Romania), the University of Aquila, the Catholic University del Sacro Core of Milan (Italy) and other European educational institutions. In the article are analyzed the results of the sociological research, made within this project, which have permitted to be emphasized: the main social work domains developed in Republic of Moldova at the moment; difficulties that social work face during their activities; the quality of the university education and of the social work services; social work domains that need some changes in curricula; social work key specializations, asked by the labor market, and the necessary skills for exercising these specializations (Social Work with Child and Family in risk situations; Social Work with Aged People; the Management of Social Services) and qualitative one (semi structured interview), have been put at the research basis, by the university professors and the practices of social work services, of professional cards for those three specializations, all these reflecting the skills, knowledge and the abilities that social work have to possess. Taking account of the professional cards contents, the plans and curricula have been revised. The author considers that only in this way closed connections may be established between university educational system and social problems, which Republic of Moldova face, labor market requirements, and as a result the number of unemployed people with higher education diploma can be diminished.


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