
  • Florina POP Phd Student, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 21 Decembrie 1989 bd., no. 128, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, + 40-264-42.46.74
  • Claudia DRAGULIN Resource Centre for Roma Communities, Þebei street no. 21, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, +40-264-42.04.74

Cuvinte cheie:

identity, social reproduction, older adults of Roma ethnicity


There has been an increased debate in the last decades around the study of identity, as many scholars considered it a dynamic concept, which can hardly be measured. Qualitative studies and phenomenology especially allows us to study the phenomenon of identity from the involved individual’s perspective. Following the roots of phenomenological studies, in this article we present a study based on the life stories of two older adults of Roma ethnicity. Our focus is on the social construction of identity, in the context of inter-generational reproduction of labor and education as social structures.


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