Redactia Analelor UAIC de Sociologie si Asistenta sociala
Bd. Carol I nr. 11, Iaşi, România, 700506
Web address:
Redactia Analelor UAIC de Sociologie si Asistenta sociala
Bd. Carol I nr. 11, Iaşi, România, 700506
Web address:
Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi (New Series) Sociology and Social Work Section are covered by several major indexing services including: EBSCO, PROQUEST CSA-Sociological Abstract, PROQUEST-Social Services Abstracts, PROQUEST-Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Ulrich, IBSS, CEEOL, INDEXCOPERNICUS, SCIPIO and CNCSIS (2008-2011: B+ category).