
  • Lucian MARINA PhD associate professor, Department of Social and Education Sciences, University „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia, România. Tel.:0400723152299
  • Liliana IONAS assistent, Department of Social and Education Sciences, University „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia

Mots-clés :

active ageing, successful ageing, healthy ageing, successful ageing determinants, social participation in later life, wellbeing, socioeconomic status, life expectancy


Generally, researches that counted the concept of active ageing remarked weak correlations between active ageing and classical statistic variables, like income, gender, and education. There is a certain structural inconsistency between the active ageing and life expectancy concept, as demographic researches argue the thesis of correlation between classical variables and life expectancy. Some scholars used the concept of successful ageing in order to explain the positive evolution of people in later life. Successful ageing correlates much better to the longevity and life expectancy. We aim to reveal that differences between the two explicative models of the positive evolving in later life are due to “poorer” conceptualisation of the active ageing. On the other side, the concept of active ageing preserves its connotations for recent research, that stress rich concepts, like social participation and wellbeing, which explain very well positive evolutions during later life.


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