
  • Antonio SANDU Postdoctoral fellow within the project "Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies" at "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi; Lecturer PhD at "Mihail Kogalniceanu" University from Iasi; Researcher at Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Phone: 0740151455
  • Elena ALEXA Researcher at Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Phone: 0742777683
  • Simona PONEA Researcher at Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Phone: 0742804286

Mots-clés :

epistemological paradigms, ontological perspective, ethical perspective, constructivism, post-positivism


Social research approaches more and more in creating a hermeneutic vision of social reality. Therefore, social research, in particular the qualitative, should be achieved starting from an ontological, epistemic, axiological, rhetorical and methodological statutory. We see knowledge and action as forms of the same metaevent of establishing meaning that the individual applies it to the world "by cutting it as reality". Ontological perspective is related to the nature of reality seen in positivist manner as external objective given and different of the researcher and to which it can detach from to investigate, or a social construct resulting from the continuous negotiations of interpretations between the actors that compose social reality. In this second perspective, the researcher changes social reality through the very act of research.


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