Mots-clés :
Family, generation, conflictRésumé
Family is a fundamental social institution because, in history, appears to be universal and covers a range of vital functions for human life in society. Most scholars claim that family suffered major changes and the problems/conflicts regarding it are viewed with concern by specialists. The socio-economic changes from the recent decades determined the family institution to become ‘the barometer of social change, passing through an apparent process of democratization, secularization and liberalization’ (Mihailescu 2000:17). This paper aims to show that the existence of intergenerational conflict can lead to functional disturbances in family, the solution being the identification and knowledge of possible types of intra-familial conflicts and strategies to solve them. The information presented in this paper shows that families most likely predisposed to disturbances caused by intergenerational conflicts are those with a lower social status and educational level.Références
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