
  • Mihaela D. Gălățanu


Mots-clés :

job satisfaction, work motivation, employees, human resources management


This study aims to identify what are the main elements correlated with employee job satisfaction. Our interest has been driven by the requirement and usefulness of describing the specific aspects which lead to employee satisfaction, considering such features as industry, field of activity, geographical region, and nature of ownership, state of private, respectively. We have discovered a positive influence on job satisfaction of such elements as: high level of professional commitment, existence of performance appraisal system, high occasional performance, innovative organisational practices promoting knowledge management, leadership style, the nature of the job as an intrinsic factor. On the other hand, work dissatisfaction could be the result of low level of extrinsic factors: level of income and working conditions.

Biographie de l'auteur

Mihaela D. Gălățanu

Human Resources Manager, Public Service Company S.A., Iasi


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