
  • Alexandra Vasilache


Mots-clés :

human resources, career, family, higher education, social environment, labour market, motivation, capital, career patterns.


The paper entitled „The analysis of socio-motivational factors in the career construction of higher education graduates” falls within the sociological perspective. Professional career is a broad topic and viewed from different perspectives by each individual. Thus, the motivations of the choice of the theme are given by the complexity of the professional career phenomenon, the desire to identify social and motivational factors with a decisive role in the process of following a professional path. In this study, I set out to provide an answer to the following research question: What are the socio-motivational factors contributing to the career construction of higher education graduates?. For the conduct of the research, I used as methods and techniques: documentation, semi-structured focused interview, theoretical sampling; the investigated population being made up of 10 graduate subjects of the „Human Resources” specialization. The practical dimension of the research focused on the following themes: professional career; socio-motivational factors in career planning; the relationship between studies and the labour market; personal and professional development; educational, personal, and social barriers in career construction.

Biographie de l'auteur

Alexandra Vasilache

IT&C Researcher., Brainspotting, Pitar Mos, floor 4, Bucharest, 010453, Romania


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