
  • Roxana Andreea Toma Ph.D. Lecturer, Department of Psychology, West University of Timișoara, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, No. 4, Timișoara
  • Marius Lupșa Matichescu


Mots-clés :

human resources, affirmation, education, gender, women, teacher, semi-structured interview, qualitative analysis.


The general purpose of the study was to explore the results of the intervention in terms of qualitative analysis of the reports of the participants in the intervention at a period of 6 months after the completion of the training. To achieve the objective, a semi-structured interview was adapted using a model (Toma, 2010) previously used to collect data also about an empowerment intervention. Open-ended questions were asked covering issues related to the conceptual dimensions, general themes and practical applications of strengthening the intervention. The target group consisted of 13 female participants working as teachers in the pre-university environment. Participants reported progress in the direction of correct and efficient self-assessment, capitalization of individual resources, modelling of core beliefs through new affirmations learned and orientation towards decision and action.

Biographie de l'auteur

Marius Lupșa Matichescu

Ph.D. Lecturer, Department of Sociology, West University of Timișoara, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, No. 4, Timișoara


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