
  • Corneliu I. LOGHIN

Mots-clés :

Restorative justice, penitentiary social work, social (re)integration


The present material presents characteristics of some of the most frequent used conceptual systems applied in conflict management activities performed inside and outside penitentiaries by professionals delivering education and social work addressed to detainees and persons who served their sentences, aiming their social (re)integration. Specific elements pending to Restorative system which offers high level of efficiency are evidenced, their presence in Romanian education and social work norms for this field of activity is identified and a possible solution for obtaining better results is proposed while considering the insufficiency of financial, material and human resources.

Biographie de l'auteur

Corneliu I. LOGHIN

RJ and ADR expert, practitioner, PhD and President, Association for Dialogue and Dispute Resolution, 2A Piața Unirii, Iași, Romania


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