
  • Doina BALAHUR
  • George Marian ICHIM

Mots-clés :

gender justice, gender programs, women reintegration


This article aims to be an introduction to gender differences in the risks and needs of those in detention. First, we refer to six guiding principles for the development of a gender responsive criminal justice system: 1. acknowledge that gender makes a difference; 2. create an environment based on safety, dignity, and respect; 3. address substance abuse, trauma and mental health issues through integrate and culturally relevant services; 4. develop policies, practices and programmes that are relational and promote healthy connections to children and family; 5. provide women with opportunities to improve their socio-economic conditions; 6. establish a system of community supervision and re-entry with comprehensive, collaborative services. Starting from these six principles, the article briefly describes three dimensions of gender programs and services for female who are in detention, such as: women mental health care, connections with their children and women reintegration in community. Before discussing the gender dimensions of the detention programs, this article also refers to some aspects about women`s criminality and why female prisoners should be treated differently.

Bibliographies de l'auteur


Professor PhD, Sociology and Social Work Department, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi

George Marian ICHIM

Associate Professor PhD, Sociology and Social Work Department, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi


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