
  • Knut Magne STEN

Mots-clés :

european welfare, nordic welfare model, user’s participation, healthy ageing


On of the big challenges for any European welfare states is growing numbers of retired old people. Starting with a typical Norwegian case the article turn on to a description of the nordic welfare model, the description is on an institutional level. The institutional aspects are put forward in a discussion of the micro motives and cultural background. The open market economy and strong individualism are important characteristics. The last theme is user influence and participation. Users can enforce their rights through representation, participation and making complaints. Sometimes also by protest and revolt, exemplified with cases from care services. Although Norway is on top on an global index of the prospects for retirement, there are still cases of lack of capacity and quality. The policy at the moment is to stimulate both old and others to take responsibility themselves. Staying active and in good health in the earlier old age and for people in the working ages to get out of any unemployment que by changing their competencies. To stay passive on welfare benefits should not be an option.

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