
  • Daniela ŞOITU "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Bd. Carol I nr 11, 700506, Iasi
  • Conţiu ŞOITU "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Bd. Carol I nr 11, 700506, Iasi

Mots-clés :

social action, civil society, Romania, Republic of Moldova, crossborder cooperation, European influences


Romania membership of the European Union, since 2007, produced significant internal and external changes, in relations with neighborhood states – including The Republic of Moldova. The study underlines social resorts of actions manifested by civil society organizations in Romania and Moldova during last years. Our study highlights the theoretical springs of social involvement, of social action and illustrates financial policies that support social action and civil society at European level. Recent assessments and public debates draw attention to the national capacity to apply for and use European funds. Political, economic and administrative solutions have various forms. In setting the agenda are involved also potential funding recipients from civil society organizations. Emile Durkheim’s (2002) idea according to which the social action is determined by external compulsion that influence the individual can be found in the way the civil society implicates in accord to the financing criteria. Beyond these dimensions, values and norms that guide civil society from both states in these times of crisis may be the subject of future research.


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