
  • Nina Mihaela MIHALACHE "Al.I.Cuza" University, Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work; Bd. Carol I no. 11, 700506, Iasi, România

Mots-clés :

responsibility, community facilitation, individual facilitation, personal motivation, voluntary action.


The present text proposes a theoretical analysis on the idea of responsibility by following the facilitation model, which has appeared as a necessity in Romanian transition. The theories associated in developing and supporting the individual facilitation model are the theories of imitation (Collier), the theories of rewards based on exchange rules and reciprocity, the recreation of reputation within networks of solidarity, the implicit gift exchange theory, Homans’s theories and Anthony Heath’s approach regarding the rationality of human behaviour through social exchange. These theories state that only powerful aims can strengthen personal motivation that will lead to performance and to creativity by overcoming the critical situations. The hypotheses that sustain this statement by establishing some components of moral would be: individual’s identification with the group, aim’s motivations, team integration through responsibility, the possibility to advance and merit recognition. The individual facilitation could be defined as a process of a person’s moulding and converting through knowledge and discovery of one’s own abilities used for personal development with the purpose of improvement of life’s quality. The individual facilitation built on the individual approach is meant to sustain change, participation, innovation, voluntary actions with the purpose of developing and improving the social capital and the prosperity.


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