
  • Cristina GAVRILUŢĂ "Al. I. Cuza" University, Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Bd. Carol I no. 11, 700506, Iasi, România
  • Ana-Maria DĂSCĂLIŢA

Mots-clés :

social activism, economic activism, political activism, voluntarism, ideology, civic spirit.


In the following paper we intend to make a synthesis of the forms of activism according to a series of criteria. The social reality shows us that we cannot discuss about a pure social activism. It has a great adapting ability and can be found in many different forms. In essence, the social activism can be an image of the society we live in. The research we carried out in 2009 showed us that in Romania are developing three forms of alternative activism, of the type: Food Not Bombs and Critical Mass. Their presence and the popularity that these forms of activism have, show us that this phenomenon might have new forms of manifestation and affirmation, different from the classic ones.


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