Mots-clés :
transformations, scientific paradigm, growing complication, selforganization, self-reproduction, models for dynamics simulationRésumé
It is obvious even for the most ardent loyal stubborn supporters of the dominant scientific paradigm (based on Newtonian mechanics, Cartesian dualism, Aristotelian logics, etc.) that there have been many unexpected unwanted unintended events and problems that cast a shadow not only on science but on the very validity of our worldview. Human societies are a part of the long term evolution of the Earth, which is characterized by the successive complication of the physical, chemical, biological, organic, societal entities. The societal systems share several traits with the other complex systems: the principles of thermodynamics, the physical-chemical reactions, the non-linear dynamics, organizational limitations etc. (that is they follow norms and rules from all types of complex systems). By means of growing complication, the systems acquire emerging features. Complexity can be studied by means of complexity. Can one integrate the above mentioned concepts (and many more) into a transdisciplinary synthesis model in order to ease the understanding of occurrence, evolution, self-organization, and the functioning of complex systems. We suggested such a model comprising. Let us add other suggestions regarding subtle interventions upon systems. Since we are currently concerned by the problematic of the sustainable development of rural territorial communities, the closing of gaps and the construction of their competitiveness, we suggest an intelligibility frame drawing from the above described model.Références
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