
  • Vasile MIFTODE "A.I.Cuza" University, Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Bd. Carol I no. 11, 700506, Iasi, România
  • Camelia Nicoleta MORARIU "A.I.Cuza" University, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Bd. Carol I no. 11, 700506, Iasi, România

Mots-clés :

social welfare, social justice, right to individuality, ideological practices, political correctness, social and judicial correctness


Nowadays, the contemporary world, whether in the East or in the West, in wealthy or in poor areas, is facing a powerful phenomenon: the reversal of values, the offensive of the lack of culture and the dictatorship of ideologies, totalitarian ones in particular. Generally, the values adopted by people to orient themselves and justify their actions change in the course of social interaction in various contexts.. The research is not empirical, but theoretical, and builds upon the authors’ experience on the subject matter and upon the current debates regarding the social reactions and attitudes concerning the anomic phenomena. The hypothesis takes into account the subordination of the fundamental values (responsibility, dignity, work) to some ideologies of an unprecedented influence. In this paper, based on scientific evidence, we demonstrate the manner in which ideology destroys truth and that democracy is meaningless when stakeholders lack responsibility.


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