
  • Adrian NETEDU PhD, Associated Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, B-dul Carol I, 11, Iasi 700506, Romania
  • Ada-Marlen CHMILEVSCHI Student in Master Education in Social Sciences, University of Lille1, France.

Mots-clés :

intergenerational relationships, migration, support, ethic relationships, family bonds


The connection between migration and intergenerational relationships was rarely a subject of social research, because it was taken for granted in all the specific processes of migration. In fact, relationships between generations are a subject of sociology of the family, together with several classic concepts like solidarity or ethic relationships. In the case of migration, we consider that social relationships are influenced by specific frames and values and the qualitative research of these issues can be useful in complex quantitative research. In this article we want to present some exploratory considerations about the influence of migration on intergenerational relationships.


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