
  • DIANA DIDILICA Student, Department of Sociology and Social Work, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”University, Iasi, Romania, +40751509178


Early childhood, care, children’s rights, brain development, quality


Although the focus on the early years is recent it has already become an issue of debate and controversy between social specialists and psychologists. The main question is how to implement social policies in the early years in order to achieve an appropriate development for the child and satisfy the educational needs in the critical first years of life considering the limited resources allocated for this area. Recently, several internationalinitiatives have taken action in order to implement children’s rights based approaches to early childhood services in order to ensure the quality of these services, especially in culturally sensitive environments. At the same time, Romania is still in a developing stage of introducing early childhood education in its legislative and educational system in accordance to other European social policies. I shall discuss the main challenges of this demarche and provide an example from my field study and ongoing research for my doctoral thesis.


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